Q.5 The Digital Bill of Rights


[Online]. Available at: https://www.google.co.za/search?q=digital+citizenship&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi39Yv-m9jTAhVIDsAKHbLiDoUQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=740 [Accessed 15 June 2017].

  1. Freedom – digital citizens have a right to freedom of expression and opinion, as
    permitted by law.
  2. Openness – digital citizens have a right to access and use information resources as defined by the owner of the resource.
  3. Equality – digital citizens have the right to own their own digital identity and be equal on the internet.
  4. Participation – digital citizens have a right to not have their  digital  interactions  subject  to  surveillance  or  interception,  save  by  legitimate  order  by a court of competent jurisdiction
  5. Creativity – digital citizens have a right to create, grow and collaborate on the internet, and be held accountable for what they create
  6. Sharing – digital citizens have a right to Have the right to publish freely their expressions and opinions, as permitted by law.
  7. Accessibility – digital citizens have a right to uninterrupted services  and  reasonable  access to  contracted  digital services  and  resources  without hindrance or prejudice.
  8. Association – digital citizens have a right to undertake digital interactions with other parties as permitted by law.
  9. Privacy – digital citizens have a right to refuse to accept any unwanted digital interactions and to have privacy on the internet.
  10. Property – digital citizens have a right to own and decide the purpose and use of their own intellectual property.

[Online]. Available at:  http://www.eurim.org.uk/activities/ig/GTC-Metanoya_Proposal.pdf [Accessed 13 June 2017].


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