Q.3 Napalm-Girl


[Online]. Available at: https://www.google.co.za/search?q=napalm+girl&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirgsW957_UAhVCD8AKHcZ8Av8Q_AUIBigB&biw=1280&bih=953&dpr=1#imgrc=wlibpJD6snF6dM: [Accessed 15 June 2017].

The image is not inappropriate.  The image taken on 8 June 1972 gives a clear indication to the human rights of these children that are being violated. Everyone has the right to equal, free living healthy  conditions.  Today movies are also being created showing the horrific actions that happened during the Vietnam war. Today citizens can make their own best choices when armed  with honest information. When looking at the image I am also reminded of a time when South Africans went through a similar experience, children scattering in the streets of Soweto. A young boy’s helpless body  being carried in streets as a result of Socio-economic indifferences caused by system called “ apartheid”. Many young and old were casualties of a war that they were not the cause of. The image is transparent as it focuses on the impact and outcome of a brutal war. The emphasis is on the well-being of the community.  The 9 year old girl Kim Phuc with her naked burnt body has an impact on everyone who understands that children should be protected and not harmed especially during a war.  The more society is informed about what is happening in the world especially when a person’s constitution rights are being violated then it should be available to all concerned.



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